Nibiru Orbit

Dimly lit by a far distant sun, a planet much larger than Earth may orbit in the vast outer reaches of the solar system, eluding our telescopes for more than 400 years. But its presence may leave telltale traces. And as new and more powerful probes join our space exploration armada, even the immensity of space may no longer afford Planet X a hiding place.

So, where is Planet X? The evidence remains circumstantial. The outer reaches of the solar system are a frontier that we are only just beginning to explore.

Nibiru’s true orbit is around our Sun every 3,600 years With the gigantic size, it has very strong gravitational pull and it influences our oceans and all magnetic fields. So in 2011, when Nibiru approached the Sun, it began forcefully “pulling” at the Sun’s core. Jul 05, 2016 Doomsayers have prophesied for decades about a giant, rogue planet in our solar system — dubbed Planet X or Nibiru — that has the capacity of colliding or passing near Earth, with catastrophic. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser.

We can, however, confidently pass on one piece of good news from Planet X, if it exists, has nothing to do with the so-called Nibiru cataclysm, a long-running tabloid media story about a giant planet on a supposed collision course with Earth.

The Killer Planet

Nibiru’s origin came from a 1976 book of amateur speculation about ancient Sumerian astronomy. A few years later, a self-described mystic claimed that this planet — which Sumerian astronomy experts never heard of — was headed for a collision with Earth. That was enough to launch a hundred tabloid stories about the Nibiru cataclysm. But if Nibiru existed, says, it should be easily visible in a small telescope, yet no astronomer has seen any hint of it.

Where Is Planet X? The Long Search for a Distant World

The search for a Planet X is not new. reports that the hunt for a giant outer planet goes back more than 100 years. In 1930, the search led to the discovery of Pluto, which turned out to be much too small to cause the gravitational effects then attributed to Planet X.

The search for new giant outer planets went on the back burner for a few decades. Meanwhile, new discoveries showed that the space beyond Neptune was far from empty. Pluto turned out to be simply one of the largest and closest members of the Kuiper belt, a host of objects ranging from dwarf planets downward.

New discoveries continue to push outward the limits of the solar system. Last year, Carnegie Science reported the discovery of an object, designated 2015 TG387, on an elongated orbit that extends out to approximately 0.03 light-years from the sun.

But 2015 TG387 doesn’t just push the frontier outward. Its orbit — along with the orbits of other newly discovered mini-worlds at the edge of the solar system — shows some distinctive and curious patterns. Their orbits, as Sky & Telescope reports, are similarly aligned in space, with “argument of perihelion” close to either zero or 180 degrees.

Circumstantial Evidence

This sort of alignment does not happen by accident. It suggests that some force is tugging on all of these distant objects. The only real question, according to CNET, is what the force is — whether it is best explained by a single giant planet, or may point instead to the influence of a disk formed by many smaller bodies orbiting the sun.

Getting back to the real outer solar system, even if the culprit is a single giant planet, says Sky & Telescope, there are differing theories about how large and massive the planet may be, and how far it orbits from the sun. One view argues for a Neptune-sized planet, about 10 times Earth’s mass, orbiting up to 100 billion kilometers from the sun.

A competing model suggests that the evidence points to a somewhat smaller world, about five times Earth’s mass, orbiting “only” a few hundred times farther out than Earth. In this case, as CNET notes, the planet is probably a massive rocky planet, a “super earth,” rather than a gas giant like Neptune — a world unlike any of the known solar planets.

The only sure way to settle these arguments once and for all is to go out and discover Planet X. Or else explore the outer solar system so thoroughly as to rule it out.

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TheTiming of Nibiru’s Last Appearance

This web-site has considered a radicalset of ideas, none more so than the identification of the Messianic Staras Nibiru, the Winged Disc. We have explored the potential significanceof the ‘red Sirius’ anomaly, and how the alleged colour change of the stellarfield around Sirius in ancient times provides us with Messianic symbolism. The red ‘star’ Horus was born from Sirius (white Isis), a celestial event that captured the meaning of the Egyptian mythology beautifully. It is less easy to pinpoint a specific date, however, as many of the ancient accounts of red Sirius were traditional, and based upon earlier texts. The account of Seneca represents the latest possible date, I would suggest, which was in 25AD. However, the Bible contains the description of the Messianic Star as the ‘Star of Bethlehem’, whose appearance occurred sometime between 12BC and 1AD. Modern scholars tend to date this event to about 6BC, a little further back in time than previously thought (1).

If Nibiru appeared during the decade precedingthe beginning of the Christian calendar, then we can calculate Nibiru’scurrent periodicity as being about 3750-60 years (given that Zecharia Sitchinhas dated the previous perihelion passage of Nibiru to 3760BC, the firstyear of the Nippurian calendar, and the start of the Jewish Count of Years). This orbital period of about 3750 years is greater than that describedby Sitchin (3,600 years) and I believe that this greater figure reflectsa slight expansion of Nibiru’s orbit at the time of the Flood. Nibiruappears to have been in conjunction with Mars during perihelion 13,000+years ago, and may have been slightly perturbed into a larger orbit atthat time.

The subsequent reconfiguration of planetary binding energiesaffected the orbits of the other planets, including the Earth. Asa result, our planet suffered a slight axial tilt, and a progressivelywarmer climate as our planetary binding energy increased. The immediateeffect of this event was the catastrophic flooding of the Earth and thereported visual effect of the ‘sky falling’. Both of these incrediblecataclysms are recorded in diverse mythologies across the globe. Mars may also have been affected by catastrophic climate change in thesame way, leading to a temporary release of water to the surface of thered planet.

The Sun'sMagnetic Field

The orbital period of 3750 years finds a remarkablecorollary in research conducted by the author Maurice Cotterell. This was first drawn to my attention by Gary Gilligan, who noted that Cotterellcalculated a reversal of the Sun’s entire magnetic field every 3750 years. This figure is based upon analysis of the standard sunspot cycle, combinedwith orbital dynamics within the solar system, and the varying rotationalperiods of the Sun’s atmosphere (2). The result is a reversal ofthe ‘neutral sheet’, or local space around the Sun.

Cotterellwas unable to offer an explanation for this behaviour beyond citing externalinfluence upon the Sun. I suggest that the complex shape of the ‘warpedneutral sheet’ is created by the Sun's periodic interaction with the browndwarf Nibiru as it moves through the solar system. Nibiru's own magneticproperties might be the cause of the reversal of the Sun’s polarity duringthe dark star’s perihelion passage. Cotterell notes that similarnumerical figures appear in Mayan records, particularly “the Mayan super-numberof 1,366,560 days recorded in the Dresden Codex” (2). This numbercorresponds to 3,741 years.

The astronomer Percy Seymour, of the Universityof Plymouth in the U.K, has shown that there is a mechanism whereby ‘aplanet’s gravitational field may have an effect on the Sun’s magnetic field’,and that ‘magneto-tidal’ resonance between the planets could have a basisin reality (3).

This appears to reflect ancient knowledge,as exemplified by the ‘Nineveh Constant’, a remarkable number recordedon a clay tablet in the Library of the Assyrian King Assurbanipal. Maurice Chatalain, a one-time NASA scientist, calculated that this sexigessimal-equivalent15 digit number was a Great Constant of the solar system, incorporatingthe orbital periods of planets known (and unknown!) to the Assyrians (4). Of course, if Zecharia Sitchin is correct, then the Assyrians would haveinherited the Sumerian knowledge of all the planets, including Nibiru,a giant planet/brown dwarf that still remains ‘unknown’ to us.

An EgyptianExpectation

Given that the Mayans and Assyrians seemto have held knowledge of such cyclical behaviour in the heavens, thenwould the re-birth of the dark star Nibiru not have been expected by manyof the ancients? The Messiah was certainly the talk of the MiddleEast for centuries before Christ, and I have already outlined the celestialramifications of this event.

But much of the world at that time wasunder the military control of the Romans, or the cultural influence ofthe Greeks. The religions of the Winged Disc, and the ancient godsof Mesopotamia and Egypt, were playing second fiddle to the European imports,rather like Americanisation has side-lined many diverse traditions of ourmodern world.

Despite these difficulties, an expectation above andbeyond the craving for the coming Messiah was evident.

Began in 237BC,and it was finally opened in 105BC. It appears to have been builton the site of an older temple that was once orientated to the East.

It contains reliefs of Pharoahs embracing gods and ‘other images whichappear to go back to a much more distant tradition – the era of the ‘FirstTime’ or ‘Primeval Age’ (Egy. Sep tepi)” (5). The Egyptologist DavidRohl draws comparisons between the rituals enacted at Edfu and the Templeof Dendera, and the religious ceremonies of Sumer.

Most importantlyis his point that “Horus, the sky-god, was closely associated at Edfu withthe winged sun-disc, Harakhty (‘Horus of the (Eastern) Horizon’)” (5).

It is my contention that the Winged Discwas not the Sun at all, but the dark star Nibiru, the Star of the East. I believe that the Temple of Horus at Edfu was constructed in anticipationof the return of the Celestial Lord.

The associated Temple of Dendera containsa more specific reference to this event. The Egyptians created asomewhat unusual zodiac on the ceiling of this temple.

The normalcircle of the zodiac has been distorted, with Cancer being ‘singled outfor special treatment’ (6). Between Cancer and Sirius is a peculiar symbol;a falcon perched on a vertical ‘club’.

Sitchin considers this toindicate the Age of the depiction as being between 6540BC and 4380BC (7). I strongly doubt that this is the meaning of the ceiling depiction.

Graham Hancock notes that the Dendera zodiacdepicts the constellations at the cardinal points as they appeared in 4000BC(8). This coincides roughly with the previous passage of Nibiru in3760BC.

I believe that the distortion of the zodiac is designed toimpart knowledge of the parabolic visible motion of Nibiru through theDuat, and that the Ptolemaic Temple of Dendera was constructed with theancient teachings of the ‘Followers of Horus’ firmly in mind. [My second novel, published in 2010, is entitled'The Followers of Horus' and draws on these concepts]

Inthe zodiac, the falcon is Horus, equated with the Winged Disc, and theclub signifies a celestial marker, akin to the many obelix-type megalithicstones used by the ancients to mark positions in the heavens. Yetit is positioned away from the zodiac, within the southerly Duat.


This magnificent zodiac indicates the expectation of the imminent returnof Horus among the Ptolemaic followers of the ancient Egyptian stellarcult. The brightest point of the transit was expected between Leo/Cancerand Sirius.

Ihave also included this image from Hancock& Faiia's book 'Heaven's Mirror' which I suggest is the 'Horus Barge'. If Horus was the Sun, then why include attendants and the Bennu Bird onthe barge? If Horus is indeed symbolic of the Dark Star Nibiru (andnote the red disc above Horus' head), then the attendant might be moons,and we could speculate that the Bennu Bird is symbolic of the Anunnakihomeworld/moon (representing the 'Field of Reeds').

If that is thecase, then this motif records a total of six moons. Other piecesof evidence point to seven, as I have shown, and it is still unclear whichis correct. Further research is required in this area.

Nimrud Dag

Nibiru Orbit Diagram

The constellation of Leo is often associatedwith the Messianic Star. This zodiacal constellation lies close toCancer, where Nibiru crossed the plane of the ecliptic during a previouspassage through the solar system. The appearance of Nibiru in theheavens during perihelion is subject to the same parallax effects as theother planets viewed from Earth. They sometimes appear to slowly‘dance’ in the sky, and Nibiru’s position in the heavens could similarlyvary, dependant upon the relative position of the Earth at any given pointin its transit. As such, Nibiru might be seen to cross the eclipticfor the first time in Leo instead of Cancer. The monuments on MountNimrod (Nimrud Dag) in Turkey seem to imply this.

Adrian Gilbert has visited the site ofthe Hierothesion of Antiochus Epiphanes, a pyramid-like tumulus of bouldersthat top the Mount. Standing at 50m high, this impressive monumentis accompanied by giant statues of the gods, and reliefs of the area’snobility ‘shaking hands’ with gods (9). There is a shaft builtinto the mountainside that is 158 metres long, and set at 35 degrees.

Its purpose is unknown, but given the pyramidal nature of the Hierothesion,one can imagine that this might be a ‘star shaft’ used to pinpoint a particularlysignificant part of the sky. Gilbert believes that this is the starRegulus in Leo. Other monuments include a second tumulus on the roadto Urfa from Commagene, this one 35m high. It is set within severalgroupings of upright pillars, one offering a perch for an eagle, anotherfor a headless lion. Further astronomical references are inferredby this site.

But the most significant artifact on theNimrud Dag mountainside is to be found on the western terrace. Thereis a frieze of a Lion beset by stars. This has been shown to symbolisethe constellation of Leo, and contains a crescent and 3 planets; Mars,Mercury and Jupiter. Scholars have shown that this frieze representsa horoscope, set in the year 62BC. Gilbert concurs with this analysis, butis troubled by the fact that the Romans were directly interfering in theinternal affairs of Commagene at that time, a shameful state of affairsthat the Kings of Commagene would surely not have wanted to advertise.

Perhaps, then, this religious and astronomical site had a different meaning;a Messianic craving of a people who would rather see the back of the Romans.


Thereis something rather peculiar about the frieze. The crescent ‘moon’is lying on its back, as we have seen before, and a star has been placedwithin the lunar disc, presumably indicating to scholars that the moonoccults the star Regulus. If this was a horoscope, then an actualocculting of Regulus by the moon would be an irrelevance.

Dr Seymourstates quite emphatically that an astrological conjunction of planets isabout their relative positions along the ecliptic, and has little to dowith whether an actual visible conjunction takes place (3). Not onlythat, but the relative position of the Moon in the star field is quitedifficult to calculate. So why include such a plainly visible conjunctionon the frieze?

Usinga reproduction of the frieze given on another web-site, I analysed therelative positions of the stars on the frieze and came up with a good fitwith the constellation of Leo (10). The only problem was that, bydoing so, it became apparent that the ‘occulted star’ was not Regulus!

I have depicted the constellation here, and indicated the relative positionof the ecliptic, as well as the positions of the other planets (that are labeled on the Frieze). This analysis then begs the question, ifthe star is not Regulus, then what is it?

There is a particularly striking Sumeriancylinder seal showing the Winged Disc 'in conjunction' with the crescentmoon. The 16-pointed star would appear to be the Sun (Venus wouldbe shown by an 8-pointed star). I believe that the frieze at NimrudDag indicates the expected return of Nibiru, and that the ‘place of crossing’would be between Regulus and Cancer.

Thiswould then explain the construction of the rubble Pyramid, that is claimedto have religious significance by Antiochus, and the presentation of imagesabout gods meeting men.

The people of Commagene expected a returnof Kingship and the ancient gods. But when?

The array of planets in Leo serves to verifythe date. While scholars have concentrated on the date of 62BC, Iused my astronomical computer program to check out a few other dates duringthe Messianic Era that would see Mercury, Mars and Jupiter all in Leo. There was to be no match around 25AD. But, significantly, the threeplanets appeared in Leo in August 2BC (the 26th, specifically).


Now, I don’t mean to say that this is theexact date that Nibiru was expected to appear near Leo. But the alignmentallowed the creator of the frieze to visually pinpoint a year in the future,combining this dating with the image of Nibiru in Leo. The ‘starshaft’ in the mountainside would then have been used to track the heavensfor the first appearance of the Messianic Star at that time. In fact,all the evidence indicates that Nibiru’s passage occurred in the winter/spring,not the summer. The latter stages of the perihelion transit werethen hidden by the locking down of the Duat below the horizon, as wellas the relative position of the Sun at that time of year. Nevertheless,enough of the transit was noted to create the ‘red Sirius’ anomaly, theaccount of the Star of Bethlehem, and all the attendant religious fervourthat went with it.

The date 2BC is an approximation, used to identifya particular point in time. It corroborates the Messianic Star, Isuggest, and strengthens the case that Nibiru appeared at the time of thebirth of Christ. (My previous proposals that Seneca was recordingthe actual transit in 25AD, rather than alluding to a messianic traditionin place at that time, may require careful revision). The friezeof Leo on Mount Nimrod is not a record, rather a prediction. If itwas a record, then why construct the alleged star shaft? Why drawattention to a point in history dominated by Roman influence?

That this approximate date correspondswith the beginning of the Christian calendar is also very interesting. Nibiru’s previous transit marked the beginning of ancient calendars. This Messianic transit appears to mark the beginning if the modern calendar. The ancient Ages, or Sars, appear to continue into our modern Era afterall.

I wonder if the next calendar will beginaround 3750-60AD? Ominously, Nostradamus used a similar method ofplanetary positions to pinpoint the year to end his predicted annals ofMankind:

“A mighty earthquake, in the monthof May
Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercuryin Taurus
Venus also in Cancer, Mars in Virgo
Hailstones, larger than eggs, willthen fall” X/67 (11)

The date indicated by this quatrain is3797AD. Does his methodology reflect that of the creator of the NimrudDag frieze, specifying an approximate period in time? This wouldthen corroborate my prediction for Nibiru’s next appearance, around 3750-60AD. If so, and Nostradamus is correct in his apocalyptic imagery, then therewill be no need for a calendar after this date at all…

Written by AndyLloyd, author of 'The Dark Star' (2005), 'Ezekiel One' (2009), 'The Followers of Horus' (2010) and 'Darker Stars' (2018)

© 16th May 2001


1) D. Hughes “The Starof Bethlehem Mystery” Dent 1979
2) A. Gilbert & M. Cotterell “The Mayan Prophecies” Appendix 4, pp63-7, Element 1995, Thanks to GaryGilligan,
3) P. Seymour “TheBirth of Christ: Exploding the Myth” pp176-7, Virgin 1998
4) M. Chatelain “Our Ancestors came from Outer Space” Ch1, Pan 1979
5) D. Rohl “Legend:The Genesis of Civilisation” p339-41 Arrow 1999
6) M. Hope “The SiriusConnection” pp8-9 Element 1996
7) Z. Sitchin “WhenTime Began” p208 Avon 1993
8) G. Hancock & S Faiia “Heaven’s Mirror: Quest for the Lost Civilisation” p61 Penguin 1999
9) A. Gilbert “Magi:The Quest for a Secret Tradition” pp125-47 Bloomsbury 1997
10) ‘Nimrud Dag, besidethe Euphrates in Turkey’
11) N. Halley “TheComplete Prophecies of Nostradamus” Wordsworth 1999

'Winged Disc & the 16-pointedStar' courtesy of Kathy Doore

A letterfrom Roger Cunningham (20/5/01)


I enjoyedyour recent website description of the meaning behind the Nimrud Dag frieze. I went into my Celestial Software and ran the comparison of 62 BC and theconfiguration of Leo and 2 BC and came up with the following regardingthe 2 BC crossing.

1. The events in which the moon crossed Leo in 62 BC all involved nearly fullor full moon conditions, there was not a crescent moon that crossed Leoin that year.

2. The 62 BC crossing occulted mu Leo, not Regulus. The frieze placesthe moon in a position where it would have had to occult Regulus soon thereafter.

3. Mars Jupiter and Mercury did not align in 62 BC while the moon was in Leo.

4. The moon would have shone to Southwest Asia during the night, but not atmorning in the east (critical factor) in the 62 BC reasoning.

Regardingthe 2 BC interpretation you have given it.

Where is nibiru today 2021

1. It was indeed a crescent moon crossing during the 2 BC event.

2. The 2 BC crossing occulted Regulus, but the frieze clearly indicates thatit occulted another star as you point out.

3. Mars Jupiter and Mercury aligned, as did Venus as well (but Venus was slightlybelow the horizon and on the same side of the sun as the earth so it probablycould not be seen by the Mesopotamians).

Planet Nibiru Orbit Earth

4. The entire scene would have risen about 1 hour prior to sunrise in theeast Mesopotamian sky ('we have seen his star in the East'... 'Behold,he is the morning star'....etc.) on August 26 2 BC.

Nibiru 2012

5. This star appeared in the exact same place as Halley's Comet (and probablyother Nibiru junk) appears (Halley's comet came then in 9 AD). ButHalley's never came during a conjunction of planets near this time.

I thinkthat you have the correct interpretation of this frieze. Good job.


Nibiru Orbit 2020