Silverlight Explorer

Silverlight internet explorer compatibility

How to Enable Microsoft Silverlight in Internet Explorer 1. Click on the 'Tools' or 'Settings' icon. Select 'Manage Add-Ons'. Select 'Toolbars and extensions'. Select 'Toolbars and extensions'. Set Show: to 'all add-ons'. Scroll to Microsoft Silverlight and set to enabled. Microsoft Silverlight is an application framework for writing and running rich Internet applications, with features and purposes similar to those of Adobe Flash. The run-time environment for Silverlight is available as a plug-in for web browsers running under Microsoft Windows.


Original product version: Internet Explorer
Original KB number: 2406108



You install Microsoft Silverlight in Internet Explorer. Next, you open the Manage Add-ons feature in Internet Explorer and view the Silverlight add-on information. The publisher is listed as (Not verified) Microsoft Corporation.


This behavior occurs because while the installation package of Microsoft Silverlight is digitally signed, the add-on file npctrl.dll isn't digitally signed. Internet Explorer checks the digital signature of the control's binary file when it determines the publisher. If the signature is missing, the publisher information will be listed as Not verified.

Silverlight Explorer Pro



Silverlight explorer

Silverlight On Internet Explorer


This is a behavior by design. Umdgen for mac.

Silverlight Not Working In Internet Explorer

More information

The installation package of Microsoft Silverlight is digitally signed. This ensures the add-on is installed from an identified resource. For more information, see Manage add-ons in Internet Explorer 11.