Todoist Ticktick

I have been a long term premium Todoist user for many years and I do not anticipate that changing. However, due to lockdown boredom, I have started looking at other productivity software after watching some videos on the excellent Keep Productive YouTube channel run by Francesco D’Alessio, including Notion and TickTick.


Main advantages Todoist has over TickTick: The natural language processing is still superior, albeit the gap is lessening. This has always been Todoist's primary strength in. TickTick allows you to create tasks, sort them into lists and give them deadlines and priorities. You can also add notes and checklists of subtasks to each one. You can add tasks via email and, if.

Notion I just could not get my head around, but I think that probably that says more about my head than Notion. TickTick, however, offered a tantalising alternative to conventional task managers and I have spent some time watching YouTube reviews and tutorials and written reviews.

TickTick Calendar Integrations

First, the most outstanding feature is that combines conventional task management modules with a calendar. This is somewhat different than the two-way integration Todoist has with Google Calendar. Whereas as soon as Todoist tasks are marked completed, they disappear from the GCal timeline.

With TickTick, if you integrate its calendar with GCal, when tasks are marked completed, they are not removed from view in GCal. Torrent settings for mac. Chrome for mac latest version. It should be pointed out that this calendar functionality is only available in the premium version.

Vtfedit for mac. I did import my GCal data into TickTick but somehow it looked very cluttered and interfered with TickTick tasks migrated into the calendar function.

New tasks are automatically started to go into the services inbox module, but you can create lists for things like personal, work, travel etc. In the free version you are limited to nine lists, cough up cash for the premium version and you can create up to 299 lists.

I was tempted to add a WTF to that last sentence but I guess there may be some very busy people in complex work and social environments that could require this!

TickTick Habits And Pomodoro Systems

TickTick incorporates a stats function similar to Todoists Karma module so you can see how productive you are and, interestingly, a habits module so you can track specific, we, habits over time and another module that works with a Pomodoro system of productivity. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.[The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Each interval is known as a pomodoro, from the Italian word for ‘tomato’, after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that Cirillo used as a university student.

I have read elsewhere the TickTick can also work closely with the Getting Things Done school of working and Kanban techniques. Me, I just make a list of things that need to be done and tick them as marked when completed; I don’t think I need any more than this.

Todoist Vs Ticktick

TickTick’s task management structure is fairly conventional in that you can assign tasks to lists, colour code them, create sub-tasks, set dates and alarms, use smart parsing where you can Include the due date and time information when creating a new task and TickTick will automatically parse it into a reminder. Apparently, you can also assign tasks to other people but I need to look into this further as I am unable to locate it at the time of writing.

Todoist Tick Tick

Also and importantly, when creating a task you can incorporate attachments, which is, I believe, fairly unique.

Ticktick Todoist Import

Summary: TickTick is pretty much on a par with Todoist, but head and shoulders above the likes of Microsoft’s To Do package. My recommendation is that you try out the free version and then if you like it, upgrade.