Zen Person



  • Shunryu Suzuki (Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind) In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are few. Shunryu Suzuki Click to tweet. The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there. Pirsig (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance).
  • Dōan 堂行 hall assistant, “ (meditation) hall doing (person),” (short for zendō anja). A term for person sounding the bell that marks the beginning and end of zazen. Dōchō rōshi 堂頭老師 “(meditation) hall head, old/venerable teacher”. Doge 同夏 Monks who start their monastery careers during the same ango.
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Zen Buddhism offers a number of methods of meditation to people - methods which have been used for a long time, and which have been shown to work. Games applications for mac. Zen Buddhists can meditate on their own or in groups. Howard Zinn (August 24, 1922 – January 27, 2010) was an American historian, playwright, philosopher and socialist thinker.He was chair of the history and social sciences department at Spelman College, and a political science professor at Boston University.Zinn wrote over 20 books, including his best-selling and influential A People's History of the United States in 1980.


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  • Hi @jessie70
    I would think that people see me as that sort of person, I wouldn't see it as being a congenital Zen personality but I am of few words and someone people turn to as they respect my opinion. I thought of myself as being shy but perhaps it is not that; the teachings say only to speak when it is better than silence. I sit there like a sponge and soak up what everyone else is saying while forming my own considered opinion in my mind. I don't believe I have ever met anyone else with the same personality traits as myself.
  • I got the sense from the post in which you say what led you to Buddhism.. my father is this person. I once worked with a man like this- he truly embodied Zen, even though at the time, I was unfamiliar with Zen, I am constantly reminded of him now that I am learning more about Buddhism. You could set your watch by him, too. He was the first person to arrive at work, always there at the same early hour. He seemed to be very into his routines. Even during minor emergencies he was as calm as a cucumber. He brought his lunch most days, unless we were all going out for a birthday or something- then he'd join the group, and was always welcome to join any other time.
    Even though he was older, I can't imagine him any differently younger- I think this was just his nature.. it makes me think about those of us who have a more frenetic energy, people like me who seem to be born with their wheels spinning. Those of us who are attracted to Zen, can see it's wisdom, but struggle to integrate into our lives because of the inherent 'busyness' of our personality type. It also makes me wonder about the people who argue and split hairs on the subject - I don't do that so much, but I have compassion because they are like me, a bit caught up in their own minds.
    Thank you so much for responding!
  • @Lee82- I married a slightly 'Zen personality'- I think we balance each other. Look out- you will probably attract all the crazy chicks ;-).. As a rule, we love the strong, quiet type. I find in most relationships there is the sane one, and the wild one.
  • I don't know if he qualifies as a 'Zen personality' or not, but Charles Monroe, a man I never met, strikes me as a person of substance. Monroe was interviewed in 1939 as part of a Federal Writers' Project. He is described in the interview as the 'town mail clerk, philosopher' of New Marlborough, Mass., USA.
    Here is just one excerpt:
    'I try to be a good citizen by performing certain public and personal duties which most of my friends would throw up their hands at if I suggested they perform along with me. In my opinion there's too much 'passing the buck' going on today. I don't like many of our laws - capital punishment, for instance - but since I'm a voter and a sustainer of our form of government, I of course automatically make myself as responsible as any other individual in the upholding of our laws. As a sort of an 'accessory to the fact' I once forced myself to attend an execution down in Sing Sing prison where my brother-in-law holds a good job. It was an ugly business. One witness fainted and another vomited, and it was a big relief to get out of there. I felt like the executioner myself, as I was partly, for the fact that we do not press the button or cut the rope doesn't let any of us off.
    'But if I can't convince you that I was a killer in that instance, you'll have to grant that I'm a killer of pigs and cattle, for I've often helped farmers butcher their live stock. I've done this to satisfy my own conscience, for I'm a meat eater, and being a meat-eater, why shouldn't I assist with the dirty work? You smile!'