Citrix Google App

  1. Citrix Google Application
  2. Citrix Workspace For Windows 10
  3. Citrix Android
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Applicable Products

  • Citrix Cloud

About This Release

This is an updated version of the tool formerly known as CCProxyCheck. As such, any references to CCProxyCheck remain for legacy reasons. This release has not been tested extensively and is not supported. Please send any feedback using the link in Contact Information section.


The Cloud Connector Connectivity Check tests the reachability of the Citrix Cloud and its related services. It is meant to be run from the Cloud Connector machine to test its connectivity to the cloud.

It can also be used to configure proxy settings on the Cloud Connector.

If a proxy server is set, all the connectivity checks are tunneled through the proxy server – to also verify reachability via proxy.


Citrix download

There are no prerequisites.


No installation is required. Simply copy the Cloud Connector Connectivity Check files to any desired location on the system and execute from there. There is one required executable file (Cloud Connector Connectivity Check.exe) and 3 optional DLL libraries. If the option to report anonymous usage statistics via Google Analytics was selected, then the 3 Google Analytics DLLs are also required – otherwise they are not needed. All binaries need to exist within the same directory (folder):

  • Cloud Connector Connectivity Check.exe
  • If chosen to opt-in to CSEIP (customer service experience improvement program) anonymous usage statistics reporting, then the following DLLs are also required:
    • GoogleAnalyticsAPI.dll
    • GoogleAnalyticsTracker.Core.dll
    • GoogleAnalyticsTracker.Simple.dll

NOTE – participation in CSEIP is optional and the preference may be changed at any time via the Tools à Options menu in the app.

How to Use

To run the tool, right-click on the Cloud Connector Connectivity Check.exe executable and click on ‘Run as Administrator’.

  • If this is the first time running the app, you will get asked to participate in the Citrix Customer Service Experience Improvement Program (CSEIP) – which is essentially just asking if it’s OK to collect anonymous usage statistics via Google Analytics to improve features of the app. If you disagree, simply choose ‘I do not agree’ and click ‘Save’ and/or close the dialog
  • The main app Window will then appear. By default, the tool will show the current proxy configuration for Internet Explorer and the default system-wide settings
  • Since the cloud connector services can only read the system-wide settings, we need to make sure the system-wide settings are set
  • The tool will allow the administrator to either:
    • Import the existing proxy settings from Internet Explorer, (via the Import IE Proxy Settings button)
    • Or the system-wide settings can be set explicitly using the Set Proxy Config button (and corresponding fields)
    • In addition to setting proxy settings, the tool can be used as a connectivity check utility
  • To import the proxy settings from IE, simply click the Import IE Proxy Settings button and follow the prompts to confirm
  • To explicitly set the system-wide proxy settings, manually enter the Proxy List and Bypass List details into the corresponding text fields, then click the Set Proxy Config button (*Follow the example recommendations above the text fields*)

The tool will display the updated proxy configuration automatically.

  • Click the Add Citrix Trusted Sites button to add any missing Citrix trusted sites to the trusted sites internet zone
  • For Connectivity Checks, click the Run Tests button to execute a basic set of checks against the proxy configuration
    • The following URLs are checked:
      • https://*
      • https://*
  • Optionally, export the existing proxy configuration to be imported in another Cloud Connector

Security Permissions Required by CCProxyCheck

Admin permissions are required to set the proxy configuration (i.e. corresponding registry settings associated with the API calls made by the tool). Therefore, the tool has to be run as administrator.

Data Modified by the tool

  • The Cloud Connector Connectivity Check tool utilizes a registry subkey to store persistent application data, under: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareCitrixCCProxyCheck
  • The tool uses the Microsoft Windows API to set the proxy configuration and trusted sites configuration – these APIs in turn may indirectly change the system registry, but the tool does not directly modify the registry outside of the location listed above.

How to Undo the Changes/ Uninstall CCProxyCheck Tool

  • Restore the intended proxy configuration with the tool before proceeding
  • Delete the files associated with the application
  • Delete the following registry subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareCitrixCCProxyCheck

Contact Information

Questions? Concerns? Send any feedback for this tool to


These software applications are provided to you as is with no representations, warranties or conditions of any kind. You may use and distribute it at your own risk. CITRIX DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, WRITTEN, ORAL OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that (a) the software application may exhibit errors, design flaws or other problems, possibly resulting in loss of data or damage to property; (b) it may not be possible to make the software application fully functional; and (c) Citrix may, without notice or liability to you, cease to make available the current version and/or any future versions of the software application. In no event should the code be used to support of ultra-hazardous activities, including but not limited to life support or blasting activities. NEITHER CITRIX NOR ITS AFFILIATES OR AGENTS WILL BE LIABLE, UNDER BREACH OF CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY, FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING FROM USE OF THE SOFTWARE APPLICATION, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. You agree to indemnify and defend Citrix against any and all claims arising from your use, modification or distribution of the code.

UCF Apps provides you access to software you need for your coursework from any device, at any time, from anywhere.

NOW AVAILABLE – Access on-campus labs through UCF Apps! We have made public labs on campus available as virtual desktops. Click on the login button below and look in the “Desktops” section to access UCF computer labs from anywhere.

For your username you must add to the end of your nid, for example,“” You will need to use your current NID password. If you are having issues please see the FAQ below.

4/19/21 12:14PM EST: DTC Gaming and BL 305 access restored, Library PCs still down; UCF Apps slowness resolved
On-campus computer lab access remotely through UCF Apps is down for most.. This impacts students and faculty trying to access some physical labs through UCF Apps. As a workaround, many applications needed for coursework are located in the 'Apps' section.

UCF Apps was experiencing slowness due to our cloud provider (Citrix) having issues. The latest update from Citrix is that service has been restored. We will monitor this event over the week.

Finally, a reminder: Make sure you back up any files stored with the UCF Apps environment or the K: Drive, as we remove files from the server after every semester. Thanks!

Citrix Google Application

All current students, faculty and staff have access to most of the available software applications. See the Generally Available Apps section below for the apps available to everyone.

First, install UCF Apps.You should be able to use the web browser in most cases (Chrome is our recommended web browser), but we do have a desktop client, called Citrix Workspace, that works great on just about any operating system.

Citrix Workspace For Windows 10

    • Install Citrix Workspace on Windows 10
    • Install Citrix Workspace on MacOS
    • Install Citrix Workspace on iOS (iPhone, iPad)
    • Install Citrix Workspace on Android devices
    • Install Citrix Workspace on ChromeOS (Chromebook)

Then, learn a few tricks on how to best work with your data files in UCF Apps.UCF Apps is a virtual lab environment, where things work best when the software and the data all “live” near each other. We have created a step-by-step guide as well as a tutorial video on how best to work with your files in UCF Apps using the K: Drive.

Citrix Android

Still having issues? Our knowledge base has some great how-to articles. Additionally, you can visit the Student Support Desk in Technology Commons, or submit an incident if things were working, but now they are not.
Are you UCF Faculty or Staff and would like to add an app or consult with us on the best ways to use UCF Apps? The
knowledge base has some great how-to articles on the basics. To consult with us about your use case or add a software application to UCF Apps, submit the UCF Apps request ticket.
  • ArcGIS Desktop
  • GPower
  • IBM Amos Graphics
  • IBM SPSS Statistics
  • IRTPro
  • JMP Pro
  • Knights Email (Web App)
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • Microsoft Word
  • Notepad
  • NVivo
  • NX
  • Qualtrics Surveys (Web App)
  • R
  • RStudio
  • SAS
  • SAS Enterprise Guide
  • SmartPLS
  • WarpPLS
  • webcourses@UCF (Web App)

If you think your course would benefit from having access to any of these apps, have your instructor reach out to UCF IT through the UCF Apps request ticket to see how we can accommodate your needs.

Citrix Google App
  • 3m Medical Coding
  • Clintegrity 360
  • HLM
  • Matlab
  • OpticStudio
  • Origin
  • Microsoft Project
  • TruCode
  • Microsoft Visio
  • WinRats